Second time within a year Vinnytsia gathers people that promote rural tourism in our country, revive small communities and preserve ethnicity and Ukrainian traditions. Again the reason for this gathering became the all-Ukrainian forum of the Image Mapping project that let people exchange with practices, discuss the development of the sphere and get inspired from one another.

Traditionally the created atmosphere facilitated mutual interexchange and it was obvious enough that today the main topic of the event which was intersectorial cooperation/cluster models is widely accepted and understood by all entities of the rural tourism field.

The episode on TRC “Vintera”, “Viche” programme:

We remind that the Image Mapping project is realized by the NGO Development center Pangeya Ultima under the financial support of the Suomen suurlähetystö Kiova – Embassy of Finland in Kyiv.

We wish success to those developing small communities in Ukraine!

#pangeyaultima #imagemapping