About how we worked and actively spent time in the camp you can see in our video. During the camp we had three main directions of work - installation points of “Lives pictures “ (there were 9 into 5villages of Kholodniy Yar) preparation for intercultural evenings and maintain life of the camp. All of us at different times were about 15 people, among whom were Ukrainians and foreigners. Our camp stood at the village of Medvedivka, Cherkasy area. Every day in our camp was interesting and special, inspirational and intriguing. There were heavy physical work, and fun vacation s with friends, and quite and cozy gathering around the fire pit.
We were living in tents, cooking on fire, and bought food in the village! Every day we had the teams of chefs, but to say the truth we didn't comply it, because we always helped each other in cooking. As told by EVS volunteer from France - Noemie, they have a sweet breakfast, so in the camp we combined the traditional features of all participants. Foreign participants of the project surprised us their traditional cuisine, so in this way was the internal intellectual dialogue.
At the camp we had three little rowdy lesser age. They had sad the pace, didn't allow to stand still! Sometimes we were visited by locals who told us exciting stories. The weather was wonderful, even it was raining, it seemed a little refresh us. During the camp the main language of communication was English. That's way everybody had an opportunity to improve their skills, because only for one boy from America, English is the first language. We also did not waste time and studied the words from other languages in particular Polish, French, and foreigners studied the Ukrainian words. Also when locals came, they tried to explain with each other. Sometimes it was really difficult, because all day long, you had to think on English, but wonderful people still created the atmosphere. Not a vocation, but a fairly tale!
Teamwork, support and joyful 14 days will be shown in frames in front of you!
And this, how we spent incredible 2 weeks in the work camp”Image Mapping “2016 in Kholodniy Yar from the point of view of Lesya Yanenko and supervisor of EVS volunteers:
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- Image Mapping Work-camp in Kholodnyi Yar 2016
- Noemie’s (EVS volunteer) impression on the IM2016 WC
- Autumn presentations on the “Image Mapping” project
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- The “Image Mapping” route in Kholodnyi Yar (2016)
- Kholodnyi Yar – understand your origin
- The arrival of Noemie – new volunteer from France
- Presentation of the project “Image Mapping” in Chyhyryn.