With the invasion of russians into Ukraine in 2020 the Image Mapping project was bitterly affected with two international Youth Exchanges in Ukraine being effectively cancelled. The team behind the project was frustrated but did not give up. On one occasion we decided not to put off the event completely and we managed to move the Youth Exchange "Let's Map It" to our partners, to North Macedonia. The event took place therefore in July 2022 in Krushevo, in the mountainous and beautiful country of North Macedonia.

We were glad to give the chance for the youth still to communicate in intercultural setting, to learn about the Image Mapping project, to build plans for the future. Our Ukrainian group was composed of girls completely as the males are not allowed to leave the country during the war. And that is why 7 beautiful representatives of Ukraine moved to Krushevo to speak about the youth work and volunteering projects in rural areas.

Our partners in this project were: CET Platform Italy, CET Platfform North Macedonia, Ungdomsfronten Sweden and therefore the participants from these countries enjoyed the company of one another, created positive atmosphere and explored this beautiful town. The  Image Mapping coordinator from the Ukrainian side has presented the project online and put forward the proposition to extend the network further and to engage the Ukrainian partner DC Pangeya Ultima despite the war ravaging our country.

Traditionally during the Image Mapping events we produce "Alive pictures" and this time was no exception. The main local partner from North Macedonia has agreed with the local authorities to erect the installation on the territory of the municipality and soon we will have it finished.
